Wednesday, March 27, 2013


In addition to weening Wynnster off the vent settings the medical team also added to trying "sprints" with him. At 4:00am they conducted a extubation readiness test. He failed. Since he failed, they wanted to continue trying sprints throughout the day. The ERTs are also known as sprints. Sprints are when they lower everything practically to nothing to allow him to do all the work of inhaling and exhaling under the watchful eye of his respiratory therapist to begin the process of strengthening his lungs. When they tried it a second time, he d-satted down to the 20s and turned blue. They'll try another sprint at 4 am and let him relax for the rest of today. Our hope of removing the vent tomorrow seems highly unlikely since breathing seemed too high of a task for Wynnie.

We'll see what tomorrow has in store.

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