Saturday, March 23, 2013

Slight improvements = Big Happiness

Thankfully Wynnie's use of nitric oxide in his vent the past 1.5 days has proven effective. This morning's X-rays shows he has a little bit of improvement in lung clarity since yesterday and he hasn't needed to be administered more sedatives to calm him down. I was so happily surprised when I walked into his room this morning and his eyes were nice and open looking around. I tool my mask off for a second so he could recognize who I was. He didn't smile but his face looked at ease when he looked at me. I can't wait to pick him up and gobble him up with hugs and kisses!!!

Dori was the center of the universe yesterday with the delivery of his power wheel chair. It has been since October since he last took one for a test drive, so when he boarded it, he only went a few inches. He was more interested in all the talking and clapping he was getting from all of us than the actual chair. It'll take him some focused PT sessions to relearn how to drive but I'm sure he'll pick it up quickly again.

The power of prayer has once again proven its strength!! Thank you all for your continued support and friendship!

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